PVNA October Annual Meeting Summary

Thank you to everyone who attended our Neighborhood Annual Meeting or supported our fundraising raffle. See below for raffle results, bylaws voting results, and more.


Submit photos you’d like to add to info@paloverdeneighborhood.org


Raffle Results

Our volunteer team was hard at work curating this year’s raffle in the weeks before the event. We ended with over 65 prize bundles to give away!

Thank you to everyone who helped spread the word and purchased tickets. The raffle sales raised $2,420 for our organization! We encourage you to stay actively involved with PVNA to help determine where our funds are directed throughout the year.

Congratulations to all of our raffle winners!

Bylaws Voting Results

After drafting the new bylaws, sharing them for feedback, and applying revisions, our team was excited to move on to the official vote. Your votes were tallied the night of the event by one board member and one non-board resident volunteer. The new bylaws needed to be approved with a majority vote of those in attendance at the event. We received 63 yes votes, and 1 no votes. The new bylaws are now approved and will be submitted to the City of Tucson to have on file and publish.


Thank You to Our Venue Sponsor


Thank You to The Businesses, Organizations, Artists and Neighbors for Contributing Prizes to Our Event!

Bodega Gallery of FoodThe RumrunnerStarbucksSession YogaTrader Joe'sArizona State MuseumTucson Touch TherapiesAce Hardware • American Antique Mall • Robert's RestaurantFrank's RestaurantTucson Botanical GardensFeastDunkin DonutsCoffee Times Drive-ThruThe Red GarterNobiliteaPeggy MarlattBarry Dodge • Mary Swallow • Peter Kresan • Ruth Reiman • Jill JanisEllen Sidor • Patricia Dickson • Transit TeaFlora's Market • Potted Pals • Pottery BlowoutRaijin RamenNoodleholicsCero Zero Waste Shop • Mildred & DildredHorizon Travel

and Palo Verde Neighbors!

Special Thanks to Our Event Organizers & Volunteers!

Paula C., Nancy S., Maribeth S., Patrick H., Vicki F., Val S., Patricia P., Arlene D., Val T., Steve P., Peggy M., Marissa J., Dianne T., and Steven S.

Stay Connected with Event Tabling Guests

PVNA Traffic Circle Committee

Alvernon-Grant Initiative

Grant-Alvernon Area Plan Committee

City of Tucson Ward 6

City of Tucson Planning & Services Department

Pima County District 5


Help Protect Our Great Horned Owls!: Use Alternatives to Poison When Dealing with Rodent Pests


PVNA September Board Meeting Summary