PVNA Elections - 2024

2024 is an election year! Per the current PVNA bylaws, the roles that make up the Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications) are up for election as their two-year terms expire.

Nomination form now live! To express your interest in an elected position, and be announced as a candidate on PVNA channels, the process will begin with a simple nomination form where we ask for your name, contact information (PVNA purposes only), and a little about yourself.

  • Election Process:

    • Current members of the neighborhood association may run as a slate or as individuals. (Membership in the Association is open to any adult resident, owner of real property, or business proprietor within the neighborhood. Membership is automatic for anyone who meets these criteria.)

    • The nomination/application period is from August 1 to September 17

    • All candidates will be published on the PVNA website, and the webpage will be shared on all PVNA channels

    • An absentee voting option will be provided for any members who are unable to attend the annual meeting due to work, travel, or being homebound. Details to be announced.

    • Voting takes places, and the outcome will be announced, at the Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 17.

  • Election Timeline:

    • July 21: Initial announcement of election process in e-newsletter & all channels

    • August 1: Nominations open (“at least 60 days out”)

    • September 17: Nominations close 30 days out

    • September 15: Voting process initial announcement in e-newsletter & all channels

    • October 17: Annual meeting & elections take place

  • Vote in the PVNA Election

    Help select the next PVNA Executive Committee.

    • All PVNA members are eligible to vote. Per the current PVNA bylaws: Membership in the Association is open to any adult resident, owner of real property, or business proprietor within the neighborhood. Membership is automatic for anyone who meets these criteria.

    • PVNA membership must be verified to receive your voting ballot. 

    • Bring valid ID with your name & PVN address, or TWO of the following:

      • Current Utility Bill

      •  Bank or Credit Union statement from last 90 days

      • AZ Vehicle Registration

      • Indian Census card

      • Property tax statement

      • AZ Vehicle Insurance card

      • Voter Registration Card

      • Mail addressed to you with “Official Election Material” logo.

      • You DO NOT need to be a registered voter, just a legal resident or property owner in the PVNA neighborhood (business or residential) with proof of such

Run for an Elected Executive Committee Position

Core Duties of the Executive Committee Roles:

Excerpt from the PVNA bylaws:

 6.2 President. Subject to the control of the Board, the President shall have general supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the Association. They shall preside at all meetings of the Membership, the Board, and the Executive Committee, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board.

6.3 Vice President. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President, and shall have all the powers of the President. The Vice President shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board.

 6.4 Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a complete record of the proceedings, provide timely notice of meetings, and any other notices as may be necessary and proper, shall supervise the keeping of all the books and records except the financial records and shall discharge such other duties as pertain to the office or as prescribed by the Board. 

 6.5 Treasurer. The Treasurer, and one other Elected Officer as decided by the Board, shall receive all funds and deposit such funds in the bank account of the Association. The Treasurer shall pay out funds as authorized by the Board. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate records of all financial business and shall report to the Board at each regular meeting. At the end of the fiscal year, the Treasurer shall have in order and present all records, receipts, and reports to the membership at the Annual Meeting

6.6 Communications Chair. The Communications Chair shall be responsible for overseeing and managing all PVNA communication channels, which may include but not limited to: the PVNA website, email communications, print materials, and social media and online platforms.

6.7 Absence or disability.  In the absence or disability of any Board Member, the Executive Committee shall be responsible to temporarily assign their duties to another Member of the Board.