Help Protect Our Great Horned Owls!: Use Alternatives to Poison When Dealing with Rodent Pests

Neighbors in several areas of Palo Verde have enjoyed seeing Great Horned Owls nesting and raising their young and sometimes keeping us awake at night with their hooting! We are sad to report that neighbors in the NW Quadrant recently found a dead Great Horned Owl, probably killed by eating a poisoned rodent. Why should you care?

According to, β€œOne of the most notable owl species in Arizona is the great horned owl. With their large size and distinctive ear tufts, these formidable predators are a vital part of the state's ecosystem, preying on rodents and other small mammals. These majestic birds play a vital role in controlling pest populations and helping maintain the state's delicate ecological balance. Additionally, they serve as indicators of environmental health, reflecting the overall well-being of Arizona's diverse ecosystems.”

Please do not use poison to control a rodent issue at your home. For those who want to get rid of rodents, see the relevant article linked below. Steve K invited a speaker to Ward 6 to discuss the topic. They recommend trapping and ContraPest, a rodent contraceptive, as an alternative to poisons that affect non-target animals, such as owls and other predatory birds. 

For more information, see this recap of the Ward 6 meeting about rodent control in July 2023, titled "Bringing Closure to the Rats".


How to Apply for a New Speed Hump in Palo Verde Neighborhood in Tucson, AZ


PVNA October Annual Meeting Summary