Spring Bird Walk - Saturday April 5th at *7am* Starting point: Parking lot on the NE corner of Pima St and Palo Verde Blvd. ABOUT THE WALK: Join us for our second guided bird walk tour presented by Palo Verde resident Kendall Kroesen. On February's bird walk we looked for some of the bird species that are always in the neighborhood, or that visit in the winter. In early April those birds will still be around, and we will have a chance at seeing some species that arrive from the south to nest, or that pass through on their way farther north. Note: we're starting at an earlier hour than we did in February, because bird activity peaks earlier in spring.
The walk will end at the "owl tree," at the corner of Jones Blvd and Lee St, hosted there by neighbors: Tom and Barry. We will cover about a mile and the walk will last no more than 2 hours. Feel free to bow out earlier if you need to.
WHAT TO BRING: Please bring binoculars if you have them. If you have more than one pair of binoculars or a spotting scope please bring them to help those without, to see as many birds as possible. Along the way, Kendall will point out ways we can make the neighborhood even better for birds!