Wednesday, October 16
at Catalina High School, 3645 E. Pima St.
Annual neighborhood meeting!
Featuring PVNA election this year. Neighborhood updates, food, guests, and more.
Plus: Our neighborhood’s biggest fundraiser of the year.
Support neighborhood improvement projects & win great prizes through our raffle.
Vote to approve this year’s elected Executive Committee positions.
Meet the returning candidates & see what ID to bring for voting.
Food & refreshments provided.
RSVP Form Down Below.

Enter to Win a Raffle Basket Featuring Prizes from Our In-Kind Sponsors!
The Loft Cinema - Tucson Botanical Gardens - Coffee Times Drive-Thru - Mildred & Dildred - Feast - Maui Mart - Peter Kresan Photography - Peggy Marlatt Art - Ruth Reiman Ceramics - Grease Monkey - Bobbi Anglin - Whole Foods - Ray Rays Sonoran Tea - You Sly Dog - Mary Swallow Pottery - Lex Gjurasic Art - Pottery Blowout - American Antique Mall - Cero Zero Waste Shop & More!
Connect with Neighborhood Partners & Resources:
Pima County District 5
Ward 6 Council Office
City of Tucson Neighborhoods
Youth on their Own
Planning & Services Department
Watershed Management Group
Plus: Support Catalina High School’s AVID Program Trunk-or-Treat
Help Cram the Catalina Candy Can!
Thank You Title Sponsors!
Thank You General Sponsors!
Additional Links and Information
Access & Parking
Park at Catalina High School’s main parking lot off of Pima St. The event will take place in the outdoor amphitheatre. We will have greeters to show you the way, or view photo to see where to enter.
The event space is wheelchair accessible including restroom access
Restrooms are located in a teacher’s lounge. Please respect the space.
RSVP for Meeting Updates & Reminders
RSVPs are optional. Feel free to just show up & join us if you’re able!