Special Meeting Recap: Camilla/Pima “Pima Commons” Tiny Homes
The PVNA Board and about a dozen neighbors met with developer Kevin Easterly and his team on Thursday, February 9, at the Ward 6 council office. Present were architect Wayne Swan and landscape architect Karen Cesare. The topic of discussion was the pending development at Pima and Camilla.
Plans were presented for sixteen 400 square foot tiny homes and the renovation of existing buildings on the site. The homes will be the Durango model constructed by United Tiny Homes of Goodyear, AZ, and will be shipped to the site on flatbeds. The architect emphasized that these are separate, single family homes. It was also stated that they will not be leased to the City of Tucson to provide shelter for unhoused persons. Rent for each unit is currently estimated to be $1600-1800 per month. Since the proposed density is 16 homes instead of the originally proposed 72 apartments, the developer no longer plans to contribute to the proposed traffic mitigation plans for Camilla Boulevard between Speedway and Pima.
Development plans are currently being revised for review by the City of Tucson. Construction is anticipated to begin in late summer or early fall 2023. The dwellings will be rental properties managed by Valley Income Properties.
Project designs and more information will be shared soon. Property records can be accessed at https://pro.tucsonaz.gov at the address 1625 N Camilla.
View files provided from the developer: