PVNA New Bylaws Overview

Dear PVNA Membership (PVN residents, property owners, and business owners),

At next week's PVNA Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 19, at Watershed Management Group, an important item on the agenda is to approve our new PVNA Bylaws. Bylaws contain the long-standing rules for the association and do not change much on a regular basis, or year to year. This set of bylaws, however, was written "from scratch", rather than being a revision of the most recent bylaws. We have written them with the intention of clarity, fairness, and flexibility.

We have also written a “Policies and Procedures Manual” to complement the Bylaws. This new, lengthy document is still a work in progress, and will be an ever-evolving document since policies and procedures can be updated at any time with Board approval. The Manual offers more flexibility for Board operations, and serves as our "How To" guide for cross-training and Board transitions. We will always welcome your feedback on our general policies & procedures.

We have applied the feedback that was offered by you to the Bylaws, and are now sharing the version that we will vote on at the Annual Meeting.

Per the current bylaws, the amended Bylaws must be approved by a majority vote of those in attendance at the PVNA Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 19. Please note that the revised Bylaws will enable us to conduct voting electronically in the future rather than limiting voting to those who are in attendance.

Please view/download the bylaws using one of the links below, or pick up/request a printed copy. There will be a few printed copies at the Annual Meeting.

Updated print copies will be made available by Friday this week at select locations throughout the neighborhood, i.e. the Pocket Park Notice Board at 3330 E Fairmount St., and at a north-east residence 3545 E. Hampton St. (Please do not disturb the resident.)


Email Us to Request a Printed Copy

We will coordinate with you so a member of our team can arrange a drop-off or pick-up of the document.


RSVP to the Annual Meeting

Your RSVP will put you on our list to receive updates and reminders, and it helps us with a headcount for the event.


PVNA September Board Meeting Summary


PVNA August Board Meeting Summary