Advertise your organization to Palo Verde Neighborhood and beyond while supporting our neighborhood association.

Information and sign up form below.

Advertising Rates for Businesses and Organizations

Ongoing Supporter

Have your business logo or business card added to our E-News and website homepage, and enjoy an ‘enhanced listing’ on our PVNA Businesses listings page that includes photo, description, and links. New supporters also received a shout out on our Facebook Page.

  • Three Months for $30

  • Six Months for $60

  • Full Year $100 (Get Two Months Value Free)

One-Time Message

Feature your special event or announcement in an edition of our E-News. What types of messages can be shared? Yard sales, open houses, craft sales, business sales, special events, rentals, houses for sale etc.

  • $10/week for PVN businesses, organizations, and residents

  • $20/week for businesses and organizations outside of PVN boundaries

Sponsored Blog Post

  • $50 per blog post article. Up to 1,500(?) words and 3 photos. Share more about a special event, your business story, or other announcements.

Payment is required in advance. Make checks payable to PVNA and one of our volunteers will coordinate with you for pickup, dropoff, or mailing.

All content is subject to review and approval by the PVNA board of directors and volunteers who manage this program.

Advertising Application Form

A member of our team will reach out to you to confirm advertising plan, collect payment, and receive your business card/logo files. (You may email your preferred business card/logo file to at any time.) Note: You must represent or work for the business applying. You may not purchase advertising on behalf of a business you are not a part of.